General Course Description
Year 1 – General training:
In the first year, students will be required to take two different types of courses, including GE and compulsory courses. The former type of courses help students to increase their exposure to different subjects and learn how to integrate knowledge across subjects. The latter type provides students with opportunities to get familiar with fundamental concepts and tools in Economics.
Year 2 – Advanced training:
In the second year, students will receive more in-depth training in macroeconomics microeconomics. Through using mathematical and statistical techniques, students will be introduced to some modern debates in economics that shape our understandings about the real world.
Year 3 – Applied training and internship:
In the third year, students will be required to take free elective courses and some courses that help to polish their writing and presentation skills. Furthermore, our internship program will allow students to apply their knowledge to everyday life. Such experiences will become very valuable in the job market.
Year 4 – Applied training and doing research:
In the final year, we encourage students to apply their knowledge on economics to a wide range of applied subjects, including international trade, finance and industrial organization etc. At this stage, students will have the opportunities to conduct their own research and present their research findings in front of their classmates.