Dr. Allen Vong Invited to The 7th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting on Economic Sciences
Dr. Allen VONG, UM Macao Fellow in Social Sciences, has been invited as Young Economist among 427 young scholars in economic sciences worldwide to attend the 7th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting on Economic Sciences. From 23 August, 2022 through 27 August, 2022, the participants will exchange ideas and experiences with each other and with the Laureates of the Sveriges Riksbank’s Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. 19 of these laureates have confirmed their participation so far. In addition to their research, the meeting programme will include topics such as “Social Change and Social Media” as well as “Economics and Politics of War and Sanctions.”
The 7th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences was planned for August 2020 and had to be postponed due to the corona pandemic. Dr. Vong thanked Professor Larry Samuelson at Yale University for his nomination to participate in this meeting.
The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings–established in 1951–provide a globally recognized forum for exchange between Nobel Laureates and young scientists. The theme of these Lindau meetings alternates between Nobel Prize scientific disciplines, and the Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences is held every three years. These meetings inspire scientific generations and build sustainable networks of young scientists around the world.
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Dr. Allen Vong