- “The Role of Land in China’s Rural-Urban Migration” presented at the Global Lecture Series on Chinese Economy jointly organized by the Chinese Economic Association (CEA, UK/Europe), Chinese Economists Society (CES, US), Chinese Economics Society Australia (CESA, Australia), Japanese Association for Chinese Economy and Management Studies (JACEM, Japan), China Health Policy and Management Society (CHPAMS, US), Journal of Chinese Economics and Business Studies (UK), and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI, China), 28 June, 2021, zoom videoconference.
- “Foreign Workers in Macao Under 2020 COVID-19” presented at the 11th ADBI-OECD-ILO Roundtable on Labor Migration in Asia: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Building Back Better, jointly organized by Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and International Labour Organization (ILO), 7 – 8 April, 2021, zoom videoconference.
- “Efficiency Analysis of China’s Animal Husbandry Production” presented at Reform and Development of China: Past, Present and Future” Workshop organized by the University of Macau and Fudan University, 15th – 16th December 2018.
- “A New Approach Accounting for China’s Growth” presented at the The 10th International Symposium on Human Capital and the Labor Markets organized by the China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research, Central University of Economics and Finance, Beijing, China, 7th – 9th December, 2018.
- “The Efficiency Analysis of Animal Husbandry Production in China: a MetaFrontier Approach” presented at The 4th Guangzhou Econometrics Workshop organized by the Sun Yat –Sen University (Lingnan College) , 10th – 11th November, 2018.
- “澳門經濟多元路向之再思考” presented at the “澳門:“一國兩制”的典範? ” organized by the Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences, 11th October, 2018.
- China Meeting of Econometric Society organized by the School of Economics Fudan University, 14th – 16th June, 2018.
- “New Growth Theory Applied to China” presented at the 9th International Symposium on Human Capital and Labor Markets Celebrating Release of the China Human Capital Report 2017, held in Beijing, China on December 8-9, 2017 at China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research of Central University of Finance and Economics.
- “澳門經濟多元路向的再思考”, keynote presentation on the 澳門經濟論壇 2017, organized by the 澳門經濟學會; co-organized by the Department of Economics, University of Macau; and supported by the Macao Economic Services of the Macao SAR Government, and the Department of Economy ofthe Liaison Office of the Central Government on Macao SAR Government, 24th September, 2017.
- “The Belt & Road Initiative, Southeast Asia and Macao”, paper presented in the First Penang International Forum organized by the Singapore Global Chinese Arts & Culture Society, Hong Kong Society of Asia-Pacific 21 and the Institute of Eastern Studies, Peking University, on 24th – 26th March, 2017, Penang, Malaysia.
- Participation in the “China’s Growth Transition: Challenges and Global Adjustments” organized by the University of Western Australia and the Worldwide Universities Network. Discussant for the paper “Agricultural Production and Food Consumption in China: A Long-term Projection” presented by Yu Sheng; 3rd & 4th October, 2016
- “The Lewisian Dualistic Economic Development Path: A Cross-country Analysis” paper presented in the International Conference Middle Income Trap in Asia and PRC New Economic Normal organized by the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 13th – 14th April, 2016.
- “Surplus Agricultural Labour and Its Implications to China’s Lewis Turning Point” paper presented in the 10th International Conference on the Chinese Economy – The Second China’s Transition: New Reforms for a New Context organized by the CERDI-IDREC of the University of Auvergne in ClermontFerrand France, 22nd -23rd October, 2015.
- “China’s Lewis Turning Point: The Role of Regional Heterogeneity” paper presented in the China’s Economic Development and Institutional Innovation the 2015 Chinese Economic Association (Europe/UK) China Conference at Tsinghua University Beijing China, 11th April, 2015.
- “County Presentation: Macao” in The 5th Roundtable on Labour Migration in Asia: Building Effective Structures and Institutions for Migration Governance, organized by ADBI, ILO and OECD, 28th – 30th January 2015, in Shanghai China.